25 years of experience in soft laser therapy and treatment.
Innovative home treatment coupled with professional guidance and support.
The 1st rental system for soft laser home therapy worldwide.
Easy. Sustainable. Fast.
25 years of experience in soft laser therapy and treatment.
Innovative home treatment coupled with
professional guidance and support.
The 1st rental system
for soft laser home therapy
Easy. Sustainable. Fast.
25 years of experience
in soft laser therapy and treatment.
Innovative home treatment coupled with
professional guidance and support.
The 1st rental system for soft laser home therapy worldwide.
Easy. Sustainable. Fast.

Indications for Soft Laser Therapy (Low-Level Laser Therapy)

Wounds – Pain – Inflammations – Swelling – Infections
Dem Körper wird ausschließlich Energie durch Licht zugeführt. Bitte sprechen Sie die Softlasertherapie trotzdem mit Ihrer Hebamme, Stillberaterin oder Ärztin ab.

Obstetrics –
Lasering Sore Nipples

Obstetrics –
Lasering Sore Nipples

  • Sore mamillas (sore nipples as a result of breastfeeding) – One of the main uses of Soft Laser Therapy is the treatment of sore nipples. There is a good chance that sore nipples will heal quickly, and you can continue breastfeeding without interruption.
    Consistent irradiation before breastfeeding can also result in spontaneous analgesic effect.
    The risk of an infection leading to mastitis (inflammatory disease of the breast) can be reduced.
  • Sectio Caesarea (C-section)

  • Episiotomy (surgical cut to the vagina during childbirth, vaginal tearing during childbirth)
    – In both these cases, Soft Laser Therapy can significantly accelerate the healing process. In cases of wound healing disorders, the healing process can be triggered and accelerated.
    It may also decrease the risk of infection.
    To achieve the best results, treatment should start one day after surgery.


  • Haemorrhoids (during pregnancy and caused by childbirth) – The involution and healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Genital herpes – If laser therapy is administered in a timely fashion, the outbreak can be prevented. The healing process can be accelerated significantly at any stage.

Wound Management

  • Ulcus Cruris (leg ulcer, open wound on the leg) – The involution and healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Decubitus (bedsore) – The healing process can be accelerated significantly. Pain can be reduced.
  • Post-surgical wound treatment (immediately after surgery) – There is a chance that scar tissue formation is reduced, the scar becomes less visible, and the risk of infection decreases.
  • Keloid (thick raised scar) – There is a chance that pain can be reduced, and the scar becomes flatter and less visible.
  • All fresh and particularly slow-healing wounds – The healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Residual limb and phantom pain – The pain can be reduced significantly.
  • Denture sore mouth – The healing process can be accelerated significantly. Pain can be reduced.
  • Edemata (swelling due to an accumulation of an excessive amount of watery fluid in cells or intercellular tissues) – The edema can subside much faster.

ENT Medicine

  • Otitis media (infection or inflammation located in the middle ear) – There is a chance that the pain decreases or disappears immediately after treatment. The healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Rhinitis (catarrh) – The involution and healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Sinusitis (inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses) – The healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Pharyngitis (laryngitis, sore throat) – The involution and healing process can be accelerated significantly.

Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

  • Epicondylitis (golfer's elbow, tennis elbow)
  • Achillodynia (pain in the Achilles tendon
  • Tendinitis in general
  • Calcaneal spur (pain in the heel due to calcium deposits)
  • Arthritis (inflammation that affects joints)
  • Osteoarthritis (wear-and-tear arthritis)
  • Hematoma (bruises)
  • Bone contusion (bone bruise)
  • Muscle strains
  • Sprains
  • Muscle injuries
    For various injuries, the healing process can be accelerated significantly. There is also a chance of ease in pain, as a result.


  • Mucositis (tissue swelling and inflammation in the mouth after chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy) – The outbreak can be prevented, and the healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Radiodermatitis (inflammatory skin reactions after radiation treatment) – The involution and healing process can be accelerated significantly.
  • Wound healing disorders at the central line or after radiation treatment – The involution and healing process can be accelerated significantly.


  • Herpes Shingles (herpes zoster) 
  • Herpes labialis (cold sore) 
  • Herpes genitalis
    If laser therapy is administered in a timely fashion, the outbreak can be prevented. The healing process can be accelerated significantly at any stage.

Daily Laser Treatment for Home Therapy – Self-Administer Laser Energy to Sore Nipples

In many cases, for e.g., sore nipples, our soft laser/low-level laser can accelerate the healing process significantly when administered on a daily basis. For this reason, we have made it possible to rent soft lasers for home therapy. You can easily order your soft laser on our website and, if you wish, the device will be at your home the following day.
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